The ideal drinking water as per WHO, EPA and other scholars should be free from infections/germs & harmful contaminants and must be mineral enriched. The water minerals up to 300 ppm remain in excellent conditions with acceptable pH range pH 6.5 to pH 8.5 but (ideal pH 7.2 to pH 8.2) is in best range.

WATER TASTE : Water taste mainly depends on TDS and a little on pH value. The user who are addicted with RO water or demineralised bottle water may experience hard water taste for the mineral range 150 ppm to 300 ppm. As the TDS increases, the hard water taste increases proportionately. But in couple of week the taste would develops.

TDS – (total dissolve substance in water/liquid)

Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron, carbonate, chloride, sulphate etc. are the components of TDS. TDS is not impurities but contents of minerals. We take 5% to 10% of required essential minerals via drinking water and the rest from our daily diets. Therefore it is necessary to drinking safe & mineral enriched water.

According to Dr Stephen T. Sinatra (M.D, F.A.C.C, F.A.C.N, C.N.S, C.B.T) low pH drinking water on long run may damage arteries, increase LDL (bad cholesterol) which causes cardiac arrest, diabetes, hypertension etc. So it is better to keep pH of drinking water within safe range i.e. pH level between pH 7.2 to pH 8.5 max. This range is also within EPA and WHO guidelines.

Please note high alkaline water or acidic water both are not safe to drink in long run. User may experience slower metabolism, acidity, gassy etc.

HEALTHY DRINKING WATER FUNCTIONS : Healthy drinking water functions energy sources, creates electricity in the cells, functions as glue with the cells, prevent DNA damage, prevent early ageing, prevent hypertension, improve immune system, dissolve minerals that we consume, changes food to energy, helps minerals to absorb quickly, carries minerals to the organs and entire body quickly, improve blood cell functions, remove impurities through live & Kidney, helps joints spaces and prevent from arthritis, prevents from constipation, reduces heart attack & strokes, electricity to brain, improve sleep etc. and much more.

References :

Lab Tested pH Color Chart: